** Tien can increase drop rates by simply being in the party, even if she's in the backlines or dead. There are also other weapons that increase drop rates by simply being in the grid and not necessarily the main hand weapon, but are much rarer. ** Certain weapons can increase the drop rates, experience points, or honors gained by wielding it as the main hand weapon. ** The "Bounty Hunter" debuff on enemies increases the chances of getting additional treasure chests depending on the number of stacks. ** Certain summons such as Kaguya, White Rabbit, and Black Rabbit also have this as their passive effects and/or calls. ** A similar buff in the Crew Skills page allows the entire crew to have their battle's drop rates increased.
* RandomDropBooster: ** A buff in the Journey Drop Shop allows players to increase the drop rate of items in battles. And it's possible to recruit ] from all different races, careers and social standings, owing to the fact that the Captain pretty much accepts anyone who wants to tag along. ] ] * RagtagBunchOfMisfits: From the story alone, you have your PlayerCharacter, a MysteriousWaif, a ], a former knight of TheEmpire, a ], an ], a ], a MysteriousWoman with many secrets ]]], an officer from a skywide police force, a ], and a ] who was sentenced to assist the crew as community service.